

Friday 1 February 2013


When it comes to the environment, everything matters!

The environment obviously cares nothing for national borders. Whether emmissions come from this country or that, it makes no difference in the end. Same as an improvement here means an an improvement for all. But what about things that we don't readily identify as being 'environmental' issues - do general economic, political, and social events similarly ignore how we categorize them and become environmental issues regardless?

That's what this blog will explore.

Four years ago I wrote a provocative piece titled 'The ultimate irony - George Bush slashes worldwide carbon emissions'. It looked at how the only decrease in world-wide emissions had come because of Bush's extraordinarily incompetent economic policies, rather than via the good intentions of environmentalists. So when it comes to global warming, economics matters.

What happens politically or militarily in the Middle East may be one of the biggest short-term influences on the environment imaginable. A significant disruption to the supply of oil would affect the entire world economy, which in turn affects emission levels. As well as our choice of energy supply in future years. If someone was insane enough to use nuclear weapons in the Mid East, or attack Iran's nuclear facilities, the fallout (both literally and figuratively) would have immense social, economic and environmental impacts.

The same goes for many things we don't readily label 'environmental issues'. There are no set boundaries.

When it comes to the environment, everything matters.

Like the Facebook page Renewable Community Power this blog will report on the science of global warming and advances in the field of renewable energy supply. But it will also take a wider view and explore other issues which, one way or another, tie in to the environment.

After all, everything matters.

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